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We went downtown and saw Stoney Larue last night and he rocked it as usual!! Was definitely an awesome show and our seats were killer. It’s first time we’ve seen a show at House of Blues but I would definitely recommend it because you can actually SEE who’s playing. Although $7.00 beers is nothing to write home about. Dang economy J
On another note – HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEREKKKKKKKKKKK on Christmas Eve!!! We love you & miss you and can’t wait until you’re home! Be safe !!

Zach got his braces yesterday and I'm sure he will be extremely sick of that name in two years, but it's good payback for what he did to Maegan. At dinner the night before we asked him what color rubberbands he was gonna get and he said green and black for Philadelphia (Eagles). He is a die hard after all. Chris specifically told him that was dumb and not to get those colors.....take a look at the picture..notice the colors....? Go figure.

So Zach went hunting with his dad and shot his first deer for the season. I wasn’t too sure how he would do, as some years he’s more into it than others, but he was super fired up about it, so I guess this is an “on” year. When my comment on the subject was “Poor deer” I received a speech about the necessities of hunting to avoid overpopulation...from a 15 year old, no less. I’m still rooting for the deer. My guys seem to have gone hunting crazy, as we are also the proud subscribers to the Outdoor Channel now, and let me tell you, that is a real treat. An entire channel devoted to killing anything that moves. Run, deer, run…
So, we all know what a goofball my attention starved child is. The other night he came in from golf and I was at the table working and he sat down opposite from me to do homework. I had the TV on Sirius radio just listening to music from earlier, so I decide to change it to “chill out” music so that he can concentrate better. Um, yeah, not so much. He sits there for a bit and then proceeds to get up (none of this I’m paying attention to, btw, because I’m trying to finish what I’m working on), walks over to the back door, puts on Chris’s boots, and bust out with these major dance moves in true “Chris” form. I think the best part is the big finale at the end, where he makes the dog bark and then breaks into whatever the bodyroll/wave thing that is.